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Adult ADHD Assessments
A comprehensive ADHD assessment takes at least 3 sessions to complete with an accredited, clinical psychologist.
An initial ADHD assessment appointment is approximately 50-minutes in duration and allows your psychologist to undertake a detailed history and examination to assess your eligibility for the assessment. If you have a valid Mental Health Care Plan, you can use your plan to access Medicare subsidised fees for this initial appointment.
Please note that an initial assessment does not guarantee your eligibility to proceed with the main assessment. Please discuss this with your psychologist.
Data collection following your initial consultation
If your psychologist deems you eligible for an assessment, you will be provided with comprehensive paperwork which will need to be completed prior to your main assessment. These are completed by you, as well as your primary support network, and will allow your psychologist to collect important information to support your assessment.
This may include corroborative sources of information, screening tools, and medical investigations.
The main ADHD assessment appointment is approximately 50-minutes in duration and involves a review of the data collected after your initial appointment.
It also involves a further in-depth history and examination in the context of your collected information.
This appointment attracts a private, non-rebateable fee of $770. Please click here for information about ADHD assessment fees.
Following your main appointment, your psychologist will spend an additional 2-3 hours collating the collected data and preparing a report which will be provided to you. If applicable, this report will include an official diagnosis.
An ADHD report assessment appointment is approximately 50-minutes in duration allows your psychologist to review your ADHD report and explain to you in detail the findings of the assessment. It also allows you to ask any additional questions and determine your next steps for treatment.
This appointment attracts a private fee and is not rebateable with Medicare or Private Health Insurance.
ADHD report assessment appointments commencing between 8.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday attract a fee of $246.35.
ADHD report assessment appointments from 5:00pm weekdays or anytime on weekends attract a fee of $276.35.
Please note that in some circumstances, your psychologist may not be able to complete your report and review in one session, and you will be asked to return for an additional appointment.

Does an ADHD assessment guarantee a diagnosis of ADHD?
No, undertaking an ADHD assessment does not guarantee a diagnosis of ADHD and is dependent on your individual circumstances.
Will my psychiatrist accept an ADHD diagnosis from a psychologist?
Testing by a psychologist may mean that your assessment and diagnosis is not accepted across other clinical specialties, such as psychiatry. Please contact your psychiatrist directly prior to booking in for an assessment to ensure that you will not be required to undertake secondary testing with them.
ADHD Assessment Fees
Find out more about ADHD assessment fees here.
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